We All Want to Be Young
psutil проекта позволява лесно и бързо да намерим даден процес и да го манипулираме. A по този начин намираме iexplorer.exe и го спираме :)
import psutil PROCNAME = "iexplore.exe" for proc in psutil.process_iter(): if proc.name == PROCNAME: p = psutil.Process(proc.pid) p.terminate()Пълната документация на поддържаните методи е достъпна от тук а самата библиотека може да се свали от тук
Благодарение на Python написах едно елементарно ftp сървърче. Портът на който работи е 21. Няма възможност за user/pass автентикаця и работи с anynomus, не предлага опция да се качват файлове а само за сваляне. Основната директория е тази от която се стартира приложението. Тествано е под Windows 7 и Windows Vista Може да се свали от тук
Function |
DNSCMD option |
Example |
Comments |
Do any dnscmd command on a remote system |
dnscmd servername command |
dnscmd main.bigfirm.com /zoneprint bigfirm.com |
Create a primary zone |
dnscmd /zoneadd zonename /primary |
dnscmd /zoneadd bigfirm.com /primary |
Create a secondary zone |
dnscmd /zoneadd zonename /secondary master IP address |
dnscmd /zoneadd bigfirm.com /secondary |
Host a zone on a server based on an existing (perhaps restored) zone file |
dnscmd /zoneadd zonename /primary /file filename /load |
dnscmd /zoneadd bigfirm.com /primary /file bigfirm.com.dns /load |
Delete a zone from a server |
dnscmd /zonedelete zonename [/f] |
dnscmd /zonedelete bigfirm.com /f |
(without the /f, dnscmd asks you if you really want to delete the zone) |
Show all of the zones on a DNS server |
dnscmd /enumzones |
dnscmd /enumzones |
Dump (almost) all of the records in a zone |
dnscmd /zoneprint zonename |
dnscmd /zoneprint bigfirm.com |
Doesn't show glue records. |
Add an A record to a zone |
dnscmd /recordadd zonename hostname A ipaddress |
dnscmd /recordadd bigfirm.com mypc A |
Add an NS record to a zone |
dnscmd /recordadd zonename @ NS servername |
dnscmd /recordadd bigfirm.com @ dns3.bigfirm.com |
Delegate a new child domain, naming its first DNS server |
dnscmd /recordadd zonename childname NS dnsservername |
dnscmd /recordadd bigfirm.com test NS main.bigfirm.com |
This would create the "test.bigfirm.com" DNS child domain unter the bigfirm.com DNS domain |
Add an MX record to a zone |
dnscmd /recordadd zonename @ MX priority servername |
dnscmd /recordadd bigfirm.com @ MX 10 mail.bigfirm.com |
Add a PTR record to a reverse lookup zone |
dnscmd /recordadd zonename lowIP PTR FQDN |
dnscmd /recordadd 1.168.192.in-addr.arpa 3 PTR pc1.bigfirm.com |
This is the PTR record for a system with IP address |
Modify a zone's SOA record |
dnscmd /recordadd zonename @ SOA primaryDNSservername responsibleemailipaddress serialnumber refreshinterval retryinterval expireinterval defaultTTL |
dnscmd /recordadd bigfirm.com @ SOA winserver.bigfirm.com mark.bigfirm.com 41 1800 60 2592000 7200 |
Ignores the serial number if it's not greater than the current serial number |
Delete a resource record |
dnscmd /recorddelete zonename recordinfo [/f] |
dnscmd /recorddelete bigfirm.com @ NS main.bigfirm.com /f |
Again, "/f" means "don't annoy me with a confirmation request, just do it." |
Create a resource record and incorporate a nonstandard TTL |
dnscmd /recordadd zonename leftmostpartofrecord TTL restofrecord |
dnscmd /recordadd bigfirm.com pc34 3200 A |
Reload a zone from its zone file in \windows\system32\dns |
dnscmd /zonereload zonename |
dnscmd /zonereload bigfirm.com |
Really only useful on primary DNS servers |
Force DNS server to flush DNS data to zone file |
dnscmd /zonewriteback zonename |
dnscmd /zonewriteback bigfirm.com |
Tell a primary whom to allow zone transfers to |
dnscmd /zoneresetsecondaries zonename /nonsecure|securens |
dnscmd /zoneresetsecondaries bigfirm.com /nonsecure |
That example says to allow anyone who asks to get a zone transfer |
Enable/disable DNS NOTIFY |
dnscmd /zoneresetsecondaries zonename /notify|/nonotify |
dnscmd /zoneresetsecondaries bigfirm.com /nonotify |
Example disables DNS notification, which is contrary to the default settings. |
Tell a secondary DNS server to request any updates from the primary |
dnscmd /zonerefresh zonename |
dnscmd /zonerefresh bigfirm.com |
Enable or disable dynamic DNS on a zone |
dnscmd /config zonename /allowupdate 1|0 |
1 enables, 0 disables, 0 is default |
Stop the DNS service |
Either net stop dns or sc stop dns |
(No dnscmd command for this) |
Start the DNS service |
Either net start dns or sc start dns |
(No dnscmd command for this) |
Install the DNS service on a 2008 full install system |
servermanagercmd -install dns |
Install the DNS service on a 2008 Server Core system |
ocsetup DNS-Server-Core-Role |
Case matters -- ocsetup dns-server-core-role would fail |
Uninstall the DNS service on a 2008 Server full install system |
servermanagercmd -remove dns |
Uninstall the DNS service on a 2008 Server Core system |
ocsetup /uninstall DNS-Server-Core-Role |
На тестовата (developer ската) машина си имам инсталиран apache,php,mysql от пакета на Zend - Zend Server. По новият проект по който работя използвам и Python, идеята тук е да "пускам" python скриптовете през apache а не примерно през
shell_exec('command'). Идеята е да се подкара без външни модули. За целта намираме httpd.conf файла (обикновено в "C:\Program Files\Zend\Apache2\conf" директорията), правим му резервно копие за всеки случай, отваряме го с някой текстови редактор пр. notepad. В последния ред на файла добавяме
ScriptInterpreterSource Registry
. А в
< Directory "C:\Program Files\Zend\Apache2/htdocs" >
намираме Options Indexes
и му добавяме +ExecCGI
като трябва да стане
Options Indexes +ExecCGI
и на нов ред добавяме AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .py
при мен директивата изглежда по следния начин
< Directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zend\Apache2/htdocs" > # # Possible values for the Options directive are "None", "All", # or any combination of: # Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews # # Note that "MultiViews" must be named *explicitly* --- "Options All" # doesn't give it to you. # # The Options directive is both complicated and important. Please see # http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#options # for more information. # Options Indexes FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI # # AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files. # It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords: # Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit # AllowOverride All # # Controls who can get stuff from this server. # Order allow,deny Allow from all AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .py < / Directory >Важно е да спомена че това е един от начините за подкарване на python в уеб под Windows. Тествано е на Windows Server 2003 и Windows 7. Записваме промените по файла и рестартираме Apache сървъра. Ако има проблеми при стартирането четем лога за грешки и действаме :) За тестване дали всичко е ок след рестартирането на Apache може да използвате следния код
#!c:/Python27 python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # enable debugging import cgitb cgitb.enable() print "Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8" print print "Hello World!"като реда
#!c:/Python27 python
указва къде е инсталиран python :)