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Programming and Exciting Things
Personal CV of Yuksel Saliev
Mansion Group Limited
June 2015 – Present
Solution Architect
Dealing with high amount of traffic.
Support and maintenance internal systems.
Generate statistics based on user generated events.
Rewrite part of core systems and implement GoLang.
Optimize usage of RabbitMQ / Python workers.
Creating/optimizing UnitTest for Python/PHP codebase.
Working closely with IT Ops team for monitoring on critical parts of Mansion internal systems.
Create and maintain composer packages/wordpress plugins for user tracking.
September 2014 – June 2015
(10 months)
Senior Developer
Developing internal cms and client sites.
Mobile Innovations AD
July 2013 – September 2014
(1 year 3 months)
PHP / Python / JAVA (Android SDK) Developer
Developing internal systems for pCloud : tranlation system, support portal for our support team
Writing integrations with JIRA
Rewrite backend of ImatchU
Redesign of pCloud website
Grabo Media
April 2011 – July 2013
(2 years 4 months)
PHP / Python / JAVA (Android SDK) / Python Developer
Write and support android app av. on https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.grabo
Create some internal apps based on Python (desktop) for OCR-ing
Working with smart cars (Grabo club cards)
Rewrite internal API for using with Android and IOS
Develop new modules for frontend and backend part of http://grabo.bg
Developed new modules and support old ones for projects (Romans.bg,Gepime.com)
Rewrite backend of Romans.bg
Rewrite flash based video chat of Romans.bg using Adobe Media Server
Written some statistics for Gepime.com
April 2010 - Mart 2011
(1 year)
PHP Developer
Developed website of National Theatre "Ivan Vazov" - Bulgaria
Developed website of Youth theater "Nikolay Binev" - Bulgaria
Backend work for http://bgbileti.com
Support/install Ubuntu based local servers in theatres for bgbileti project