I needed to move my private Docker registry to a new server, and I decided to take the opportunity to improve my setup. Instead of just rsync-ing the files, I chose to use an S3-compatible storage backend (MinIO) for managing Docker registry files. I already had MinIO in place, and it made backups much easier to manage.

The challenge? I needed to clone a large number of repositories with multiple tags, and doing it manually would be tedious and time-consuming. To solve this, I created a simple Bash script that uses the Docker Registry API, jq, curl, and skopeo to automate the process.

Here’s the Bash script I used. It fetches repositories and tags from the source registry and migrates them to the target registry using the powerful skopeo tool.



# Fetch all repositories from the source registry
REPOS=$(curl -s -u ${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD} https://${SOURCE_REGISTRY}/v2/_catalog | jq -r '.repositories[]')

# Loop through each repository
for repo in $REPOS; do
    echo "Processing repository: $repo"

    # Fetch all tags for the repository
    TAGS=$(curl -s -u ${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD} https://${SOURCE_REGISTRY}/v2/${repo}/tags/list | jq -r '.tags[]')

    # Loop through each tag
    for tag in $TAGS; do

        echo "Migrating ${SOURCE_IMAGE} to ${TARGET_IMAGE}"

        # Copy the image using Skopeo
        skopeo copy --all \
            --src-creds ${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD} \
            --dest-creds ${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD} \
            docker://${SOURCE_IMAGE} \

        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
            echo "Error migrating ${SOURCE_IMAGE}"
            echo "Successfully migrated ${SOURCE_IMAGE}"

echo "Migration completed!"
How it's works:
  • Fetching Repositories: The script uses the Docker Registry HTTP API to list all repositories from the source registry.
  • Fetching Tags for Each Repository: It queries all available tags for each repository.
  • Using skopeo to Copy Images: skopeo directly transfers images between registries without the need to pull and push them manually.
  • Error Handling: Logs success and failure for each image, ensuring transparency in the migration process.

Used tools: