Example of quick singlethon implementation in PHP

abstract class Singleton {
    // protected static $INSTANCE;

     * Protected constructor to prevent creating a new instance of the
     * @return void
    final private function __construct() {

     * Private clone method to prevent cloning of the instance
     * @return void
    final private function __clone() {
     * Private unserialize method to prevent unserializing 
     * @return void
    final private function __wakeup()

     * The reference to *Singleton* instance of this class
     * @return Singleton
    final public static function getInstance() {
        return isset(static::$INSTANCE) ? static::$INSTANCE : static::$INSTANCE = new static;



class AB extends Singleton {
    protected static $INSTANCE;

class BA extends Singleton {
    protected static $INSTANCE;

$obj = AB::getInstance();

$obj2 = BA::getInstance();

var_dump($obj === AB::getInstance()); // bool true
var_dump($obj === $obj2); // bool false

Availible also in https://gist.github.com/yuksbg/9d981ea6baf0bd8f2d92